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Psychiatrists and doctors in the field of endocrinology and internal medicine

Psychiatrists and doctors in the field of endocrinology and internal medicine

June 18, 2023

Specialized doctors in endocrinology and internal medicine recognize that psychological factors can significantly impact patients’ health. Serious medical conditions can have negative effects on a patient’s mental well-being, and some patients may experience psychological stress and anxiety due to the physical symptoms they are experiencing. Chronic endocrine and internal diseases can also affect patients’ mental states and require additional psychological support. Diagnosing and treating endocrine and internal diseases require active communication and interaction among doctors specialized in these fields.

Gland-related cases in childhood can be emotionally and psychologically challenging, both for the child themselves and their families. The best psychiatrist in Doha can support and guide children and their families in facing the challenges associated with diagnosis, treatment, and dealing with the psychological effects of the illness. The psychiatrist strives to improve communication with children and enhance understanding and trust between them. Doctors often find it difficult to communicate with children, especially in the early stages of diagnosis and treatment. The psychiatrist collaborates with doctors to effectively engage with children and alleviate the stress, anxiety, and fear associated with treatment.

A psychiatrist provides emotional support to patients suffering from chronic internal diseases such as diabetes or thyroid disorders. They help patients understand and cope with the psychological challenges associated with these conditions and teach them strategies to manage anxiety and stress.

The best psychologist in Qatar assesses the patients’ mental state and identifies the potential psychological impacts of internal diseases. Chronic illnesses can have psychological effects on patients, such as depression, anxiety, and daily life pressure. The psychiatrist assists patients in dealing with these challenges and provides appropriate psychological support to promote mental health and overall well-being.

The psychiatrist contributes to improving communication and the doctor-patient relationship. They also assist doctors in developing effective communication skills and understanding the emotions and concerns that patients may experience during diagnosis and treatment. They train patients on strategies to control anxiety and stress related to internal diseases.

read more:-

Anxiety Disorder And Its Impact On Mental Health

The relationship between psychological stress and symptom exacerbation in patients with endocrine and internal diseases:-

When an individual experiences psychological stress, a physiological reaction occurs in the body that affects the functions of the glands and internal organs. The body releases elevated levels of cortisol and adrenaline, which are stress hormones and part of the stress response. The glands, in particular, are influenced by such hormones, and their production and function are adjusted.

The exacerbation resulting from psychological stress can include increased inflammation, heightened pain sensitivity, and a general deterioration in health. For example, individuals with thyroid gland problems may experience an exacerbation of symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, and poor concentration due to psychological stress.

Furthermore, psychological stress can impact patients’ healthy lifestyle habits, further intensifying its effect on symptom exacerbation. Stress can lead to increased tension, poor sleep, inadequate nutrition, and a lack of regular exercise, negatively impacting overall health and increasing the severity of symptoms in patients.

The role of Al-Sanabel specialized psychiatric center in improving communication between patients and healthcare teams:-

  • Psychological needs assessment: A psychologist can assess the psychological needs of patients. They can work with patients to understand the psychological challenges they face and provide necessary support. They can also assist healthcare team members in dealing with the psychological challenges associated with their healthcare profession.
  • Team training: A psychologist can provide training and guidance to healthcare team members on how to handle patients facing psychological challenges. They can teach the skills and strategies necessary for promoting effective communication and appropriate patient care.
  • Enhancing communication: A psychologist can improve communication between patients and the healthcare team by providing emotional support and motivation to both patients and the team. They can help patients effectively express their needs and concerns and provide appropriate emotional support and advice.
  • Promoting collaboration: The psychologist serves as a link between patients and the healthcare team. They can promote collaboration and understanding between the two parties by providing information, guidance, and support. They can also assist patients and the healthcare team in resolving conflicts or problems that may hinder effective communication.
  • Awareness and education:  The best psychologist in Qatar plays a crucial role in raising awareness and educating about mental health and its importance in effective communication between patients and the healthcare team. They can clarify complex psychological concepts and provide information and practical guidance to both patients and the healthcare team.

With Al-Sanabel Specialized Mental Health Center, we provide comprehensive support and the best therapist in Qatar for those experiencing psychological stress.

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