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Hallucinations and how to overcome through al sanabel center

Hallucinations and how to overcome through al sanabel center

April 19, 2023

Hallucination is one of the most common mental illnesses, and it is a brain disorder that affects the patient’s sensory and cognitive functions. This disease is characterized by the presence of unreal thoughts or perceptions that do not correspond to reality, which is what is called hallucinations. Symptoms associated with this disease range from hearing voices, illogical thoughts, and visual and other sensory perceptions that seem realistic to the person with this disease.

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Negative Thoughts

Symptoms of hallucinations:

1. Auditory hallucinations: where the patient hears voices that are not real and do not correspond to reality, and these voices can be positive or negative and cause the patient stress and anxiety.
2. Visual hallucinations: where the patient sees images that are not real and do not correspond to reality, and these symptoms include seeing people or things that do not exist in reality.
3. Sensory hallucinations: where the patient feels changes in the other sensory senses, such as smell, taste, and touch, and these changes can be positive or negative.
4. Mental hallucinations: where the patient suffers from illogical thoughts and unreal perceptions, and these thoughts and perceptions can be positive or negative and cause the patient anxiety and stress.
5. Movement deformity: where the patient suffers from a deformity in movement and coordination between the organs, and this may lead to stumbling and falling.
6. A sense of neglect, isolation, and introversion: where the patient feels abandoned by others and does not belong to society, and tends to isolate and avoid socially.
7. Disorders in thinking and concentration: where the patient suffers from difficulty in concentrating and thinking, and he may feel slow in movement and thinking.
8. Delusional fantasies and misconceptions: where the patient is exposed to delusional fantasies and misconceptions, such as the belief that there is a conspiracy against him or that supernatural powers control his life.
9. Emotional deviation: where the patient with hallucinations may be exposed to emotional deviation, become unable to control his feelings and tend to have strong and volatile emotions.
10. Behavioral disorders: where a patient with hallucinations can have some behavioral disorders, such as standing for long periods without moving or moving irregularly.

Causes of hallucinations:

The causes of hallucinations are many and varied and can include genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Here are some possible causes of hallucinations:
1. Heredity: Heredity may play a role in the incidence of hallucinations, as there are studies indicating that the presence of a family history of the disease increases the likelihood of developing it.
2. Psychological stress: Psychological stress and tension may increase the possibility of hallucinations, as these factors can increase the release of chemicals in the brain that affect the psychological state.
3. Drug addiction: Drug addiction can lead to hallucinations, as excessive drug use can affect the brain and cause mental disorders.
4. Infection: Some viral and bacterial infections, such as influenza, meningitis, and food poisoning, can cause symptoms of hallucinations.
5. Exposure to physical stress: Exposure to excessive physical stress can lead to symptoms of hallucinations, as exposure to stress can affect the mental and physical condition.
6. Other mental disorders: Some other mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety disorders, may have a role in hallucinations.

How to overcome hallucinations through the follow-up of Al-Sanabel Center for Psychiatric Diseases:-

Hallucinations can be overcome through a set of steps and procedures, including:
 Obtaining psychological and family support: Psychological support from family, friends, and the community can be very useful in relieving stress and encouraging treatment.
 Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), drug-based cognitive therapy (CBT), and talk therapy can help promote the control of hallucinations and relieve symptoms.
 Avoid stress: Symptoms can be alleviated by avoiding stressful situations.
 Avoid taking drugs: You should avoid taking drugs and getting addicted to them, as they can increase the possibility of hallucinations.
 Good healthy habits: Following good healthy habits such as daily exercise, adequate sleep, and proper nutrition can help maintain mental health.
Medication: Antipsychotic medications can be used to control symptoms and improve the patient’s mental health.
Patients suffering from hallucinations should seek support and assistance from family, friends, and the community, and obtain appropriate medical assistance to improve their health condition.

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