Women suffer from Anorexia Nervosa (AN) more than men, which is a food disorder that can often lead to severe weight loss. A lot of people are worried about their weight gain, but some people take it far more seriously and it becomes an obsession, leading to a condition called Anorexia Nervosa. People with anorexia nervosa have a low weight due to reduced calories in their food and drink. The person may exercise with a hard drive or use a softened form to disinfect food for fear of being overweight. This disorder may be serious and may threaten your life, that’s why it is best to treat it.
What is anorexia nervosa?
Anorexia Nervosa is a food disorder that may threaten the life we mentioned before, characterized by self-starvation with severe weight loss. Women are more likely to develop this disorder, especially girls. There are two forms of this disorder: The first is to exercise excessively. Second: They refused food in any case, even if they were hungry. Also, they often have a deformed image of their bodies as they think they are fat even when they are underweight. Anorexia nervosa like other eating disorders may dominate life making it difficult to overcome, but with treatment and following healthy eating habits, you can feel a great improvement.
Causes of anorexia nervosa.
In general, there is no particular cause for any type of eating disorder, but several factors can cause eating disorders such as:
1. Biological factors:
The most important biological factor leading to anorexia nervosa is heredity (the disease is gene-related) which some of the following studies have confirmed:
Members of a food-stressed family have first-class relatives who are also injured or at risk of injury.
Family members with eating disorders have relatives with psychological and mental problems such as anxiety, depression, or addiction, as these diseases increase the chance of developing anorexia nervosa.
Diabetes is a biological factor, particularly type I, where a study of some women suffering from diabetes has confirmed that 25 percent of them had eating disorders.
Burn more calories due to high-intensity workouts.
2. Psychological factors:
Feeling perfect is one of the most important causes of anorexia nervosa, where a person puts an unrealistic, superficial picture of himself.
Dissatisfaction with body shape, where people with anorexia nervosa suffer from hating body shape.
Lack of flexibility in behavior where people with the disease believe that things have only one way to solve and that instructions must be strictly followed.
For anxiety patients, research has shown that more than 60% of people with anorexia nervosa have anxiety disorders such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Social Phobia that leads to the disease.
3. Social factors:
Bullying contributes to the development of anorexia nervosa.
Great publicity for ideal beauty and beauty products, leading to a strict diet and lack of eating.
The effect of overweight and thinning is better than obesity, as exposure to such statements can increase dissatisfaction with the body, which may lead to anorexia.
Loneliness or isolation are some of the hallmarks of anorexia nervosa.
The symptoms of anorexia nervosa are divided into physical, behavioral, and emotional symptoms.
Physical symptoms
Significant weight loss.
Constant dizziness.
Fainting or unconscious.
Colic or severe abdominal contractures.
Stomach ulcer.
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).
Disorders of sleep.
Hair problems such as hair thinning, and hair loss due to lack of nutrients.
Weakness of the immune system.
Dry skin, osteoporosis, and nail.
Irregular menstrual periods this disease can lead to menopause.
Muscle weakness.
Healing delayed.
Feeling cold.
Erosion of the teeth.
Inflating in the salivary glands and bending feet.
Poor concentration is due to low glucose which reaches to brain.
Behavioral and emotional symptoms
Lack of flexibility in thinking or behavior.
Always feeling incompetent.
Patients are afraid of being overweight despite severe weight loss.
Worry about eating in public.
The tendency to be isolated, away from friends, and extreme
caution when dealing with others.
Wear too much to hide the weight or to feel warm.
Refuse to eat certain foods such as foods containing carbohydrates or fat.
Always feeling overweight despite losing weight.
Denial of hunger.
Do not maintain a proper weight for the length or age of the type of body.
Continuously avoid meals with friends or social events such as holidays.
Commitment to intensive or excessive physical training despite feeling exhausted or ill.
complication of anorexia nervosa.
The person may leave himself without consulting the patient or following a treatment plan. This can cause complications that may threaten a person's life. We mention them to you below:
The lack of minerals in the body, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium, results in an imbalance in the body’s basal acid.
Heart rate disorders, and slow heart rate.
Low blood pressure results in dizziness or loss of consciousness.
Muscle cramps and muscle fatigue.
Poor renal function.
Fatigue and poor concentration due to lack of vitamins and minerals.
Nerve damage.
Disorders of sexual hormones.
Interruption of the monthly cycle.
Drug abuse.
Anxiety, Personality disorders, and Depression.
20–30% of people with anorexia nervosa become chronic and between 5–20% die within 20 years of the onset of the disease.
Diagnosis of anorexia nervosa.
Anorexia nervosa is diagnosed by its main characteristics:
Lack of Body Mass Index (BMI) where BMI is less than 19 for women and less than 20 for men. The BMI calculates the quotient of the body mass divided in
kilograms by the square of the body length in meters. For children and adolescents, the average body mass according to age is considered. Natural values can be obtained from specific curves for boys and girls.
Patients are afraid of being overweight despite severe weight loss.
Menopause: The breakdown of menstruation occurs for three consecutive cycles in women.
A decrease in men’s & women’s sexual desire.
The aim of the treatment is generally to restore the person to his normal healthy weight as well as to treat other emotional problems such as disrespect and correct distorted thinking patterns. The treatment of anorexia nervosa involves psychological, behavioral, and pharmacological treatment.
A type of individual mentoring for a person with a psychiatric disorder that focuses on changing a person's thinking. Treatment includes methods to change the way a person handles or responds to challenging situations.
Some medicines, such as antidepressants, can be used to control anxiety and depression. These medicines may help sleep and stimulate appetite. Doctors may prescribe medicines to organize the menstrual cycle.
Nutrition Consulting:
Nutritional counseling in anorexia nervosa treatment is as follows:
Education for a healthy diet and balanced diet.
Help restore normal eating.
Restore healthy relationships with eating.
Teach the importance of nutrition.
Group or family treatment:
It is important to support a person's family, especially if he or she suffers from mental disorders. The family must understand eating disorders, their marks, and their symptoms. Family treatment is very important for people with eating disorders as they support and discuss their feelings and concerns.
Hospital treatment:
A person with anorexia nervosa may have to be hospitalized for severe weight loss. This is done in the event of serious physical and mental health
complications such as heart disease, severe depression, or an attempt to commit suicide.
Some other precautions in the treatment plan:
Dietary supplements: The patient is given some vitamins and minerals to solve the food shortage.
Food therapy: Where a diet is developed to increase the patient's weight to maintain health.
A person with anorexia nervosa is difficult to accept treatment resulting in a different level of participation in the treatment.
A relapse of the disease can occur, especially during the first two years of treatment. Some other precautions in the treatment plan:
Dietary supplements: The patient is given some vitamins and minerals to solve the food shortage.
Food therapy: Where a diet is developed to increase the patient's weight to maintain health.
A person with anorexia nervosa is difficult to accept treatment resulting in a different level of participation in the treatment.
A relapse of the disease can occur, especially during the first two years of treatment.
How long does it take to recover from anorexia nervosa?
The recovery journey varies from person to person, but the important thing to know is that it is possible to recover from anorexia nervosa and return to normal life. Over time, fear of obesity and dissatisfaction with the body shape that characterizes this disease weakens. Recovery from this disease ranges between 50-75% of patients.
How to handle if the person has anorexia nervosa.
It can also be frightening and disturbing, but it's important to tell a member of your family and reach out to your doctors if you have
anorexia nervosa. If you have been diagnosed with this disorder, there are some things you can do to help you recover quickly and manage your
situation in the event of this disorder. Here are the most important precautions that we recommend:
Get enough sleep.
Non-alcohol and drug use.
Take medicines regularly and do not miss doses.
Connect with friends and family for support.
Follow your doctor regularly.
Methods of prevention of anorexia nervosa.
Many social, emotional, and physical problems may lead to eating disorders. All these groups need to be treated quickly to help prevent the
development of psychiatric disorders. This also includes reducing negative factors such as self-esteem and depression. And strengthening protections such as eating a balanced and healthy diet.