What is mental health? What do you need to know about it?

What is mental health? What do you need to know about it?

June 9, 2022

What is mental health? What do you need to know about it?

Psychological health

 The definition of mental health is a person’s enjoyment of a good psychological state to face life events and the resulting problems and stresses.

Life does not give everything to anyone. There are always shocks and disappointments, especially after accidents such as family crises, loss of loved ones, or loss of work, which puts pressure on the natural person.

 Why are some people mentally healthy or strong, while some people are not?

Many factors shape and affect mental health.


Genes play a major role in mental health, and it varies from person to person. Most mental illnesses are transmissible from one generation to another, like other diseases. The medical history of people is very important and is studied by a psychiatrist.


Upbringing also plays a vital role in mental health, and as you know, the methods of raising children differ from one family to another. Some adopt a strict upbringing at home, where children are always under supervision, and the best results are expected from them. It has been scientifically proven that this type of education affects children in the long run and their mental health.

Traumas and situations

We said at the outset that trauma plays a major role in the life of every person, but the circumstances of these traumas may differ from one person to another. For example, the loss of a loved one for someone represents a great emotional shock because he was a very close friend or the last member of the family. While the loss of a loved one with another person may be compensated by the presence of other family and friends.

How do you know you need a psychiatrist?

 It is very simple if you feel that your mental health is not well

I mean, if you feel that your life is messed up and that you are not feeling well

And always remember to ask for help when you need it and that the best person to help you improve your mental health is your specialist doctor, and then there is support from family and friends during the treatment period.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

 A psychiatrist is a doctor who completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine and then specialized in the Department of Psychiatry. He may have a master’s degree or a board degree, which means that he is specialized in diagnosing and knowing psychological diseases and how to treat them.

A psychologist is a person who studied psychology in college. The psychologist can treat most psychological problems by talking to the patient and changing the way of thinking from the way of thinking negative and disturbing thoughts to a way of thinking a normal way and more realistic thoughts. A psychiatrist cannot prescribe therapeutic drugs like a psychiatrist, but he can change your view of trauma and crises and help you get through them.

Myths about psychiatry

First Myth:

The person who goes to the psychiatrist is insane and incompetent. This talk is not true at all, and the impact of such talk is the reason for the social stigma that has unfortunately spread in our society, and because of this many are ashamed of visiting a psychiatrist.

Imagine you have a very close friend who one day complains of a toothache. Do you leave him and stop talking to him and check on his health?

Mental illness, like any other illness, needs understanding and support from family and friends. I believe in the old saying, a friend in need, and that the best you can offer to your friend during his illness is your sympathy, understanding, and support for him. And not give it up.

Second Myth:

Mental illness is hopeless. This is also incorrect. All mental illnesses are treatable, God willing, and God did not create a disease without a cure. One of the reasons for recovery is to take the reasons, which are tested by a skilled doctor, take the treatment in its time, and be patient with the disease until it reaches the stage of complete recovery. Of course, prevention is better than cure. Do not wait for the problem to grow or for the disease to escalate, but hasten to seek help wherever you are in the fastest way. And make sure that solving problems in their infancy is easier and more effective.

Third Myth:

Psychological medication causes complications or causes addiction. I would like to clarify on this point that psychotropic medication is like any other medication. It has complications, but a skilled and experienced doctor can reduce or prevent these complications for you. All you have to do is tell your doctor about the symptoms as soon as they occur. Some symptoms go away on their own, and some need to reduce or change the medication. So, dialogue and communication with the doctor may save you from many symptoms. Some psychiatric medications need a long period to control the disease and this is not an addiction because you can stop taking the drug with the doctor’s approval.

Fourth Myth:

The mentally ill person is far from God and faith.

Faith indeed strengthens your relationship with your Creator, but in the end, it is a disease and the believer is afflicted

Mental illness is like any other disease. Imagine a committed person with a cold. Is the distance from religion the reason? No of course

Faith is a necessary factor in treatment, but it is not the cause.

How do you prepare yourself for the first visit?

You must sit with yourself and prepare yourself for the first visit with the psychiatrist because he will ask some questions such as

Why are you here and how can I help you? He will ask you about what bothers you, and it is better to describe your feelings honestly and transparently to the doctor and not give terms to the doctor. Leave this job to him


Doctor, I have depression. It’s better to say that I’ve been sad for a long time and tried the things that used to make me happy and they don’t make me happy anymore like in the past. It means describing how you feel about things and situations.

The doctor will ask you about your medical history and chronic diseases that you suffer from, such as diabetes or stress. He will ask you if you have a family history of mental illness.

The doctor will ask you about certain situations that affected you in the past and how you dealt with your crises.

During the visit, be honest and try to answer the questions posed without embellishing the answers or even thinking logically speaking.

If you feel like crying when you remember a specific situation, make sure that this crying is very normal, and you will find in every corner of the room a box of tissues.

Remember that what you say and what happens in front of the psychiatrist is subject to the law of absolute medical confidentiality

This law prevents the doctor from sharing any part or all of what happens with you during your treatment with anyone outside the room.

How do you maintain your mental health?

First, seek help from God and trust in Him

Secondly, seeking the assistance of specialists

Third: Don’t be shy about asking for help any time you need it.

Fourth: Prevention is better than cure, and if you find someone you know who needs treatment, please support him and support him until he becomes an effective person in society.

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