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Counseling Psychology

Counseling Psychology

November 10, 2022

What is Counseling Psychology?

psychology counselling

To help people improve their well-being, prevent and alleviate distress and maladjustment, resolve crises, and increase their capacity to function better in their lives, counseling psychology is a generalist health service (HSP) specialty in professional psychology. It uses a wide range of culturally informed and culturally sensitive practices. With a particular emphasis on prevention, education, and amelioration, it specifically but not only focuses on normative life-span development and addresses both persons and the systems or environments in which they function. It specializes in matters related to employment and careers.


Graduate counseling psychology programs leading to a master’s or doctoral degree are very common at many universities across the country. These programs are one of the most well-known and largest specialties within the diversified professional psychology field. Numerous graduate psychology students select counseling psychology as their field of specialization because counseling psychology programs provide a wide range of techniques that can be utilized to assist people in enhancing their well-being, reducing discomfort, resolving conflicts, and coping with crises.

It’s critical to comprehend counseling psychology’s definition, the distinction between clinical and counseling psychology, and—possibly most importantly—what a counseling psychologist does if you’re thinking of majoring in this field. Continue reading to find out more about this developing field and decide if it would best serve your psychological career objectives.

Defining Counseling Psychology

Contrary to other psychology specialties, counseling psychology places a major emphasis on offering clients with a wide range of symptoms effective therapeutic interventions. The Society of Counseling Psychology defines counseling psychology as a branch of professional psychology that focuses on issues that “typically affect our daily lives, including emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organizational challenges.” Counseling psychology is made up of culturally-based techniques for treating difficulties with school adjustment, life transitions, relationship issues, learning impairments, stress management, organizational problems, and career changes at all phases of development from childhood to old age.

Clinical vs Counseling Psychology

Due to their similarities, the two distinct fields of clinical psychology and counseling psychology are frequently confused. Even though these two topics are related, it’s critical to understand the fundamental contrasts in their outlook and backgrounds. The severity of the disorders that the profession seeks to identify and cure is at the heart of the distinction between clinical and counseling psychology.

Clinical psychology, sometimes known as “psychopathology,” is mainly concerned with the treatment and prevention of severe mental diseases, whereas counseling psychology primarily focuses on those who are psychologically and emotionally well. Clinical psychologists will research and manage psychological and behavioral diseases with a medical diagnosis, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. Contrarily, counseling psychologists will assist clients in overcoming life difficulties that aren’t connected to a mental disease, such as emotional, social, and physical issues.

These concerns, which can include family issues, substance abuse issues, and others, are frequently brought on by their relationships, occupations, or schools. The counseling psychology definition has a significant educational component with a variety of core therapeutic abilities because it developed from the discipline of vocational psychology. Clinical psychology, on the other hand, has a stronger medical focus and is specially trained in the treatment of psychopathology for severe mental health conditions.

Why Study Counseling Psychology?

Which advantages of counseling psychology are the greatest? Because you frequently encounter clients who are experiencing extreme pain or turbulence, a job in counseling psychology is both demanding and gratifying. If you’re a naturally empathic person who values aiding others in enhancing their emotional and psychological wellness, you might want to consider studying counseling psychology.

Additionally, you might find great value in supporting individuals in realizing their full potential and self-worth, assisting families in fortifying their relationships through your job, or assisting children in overcoming emotional challenges. If you’re intrigued by how the brain and emotions interact and you enjoy the chance to learn more about the human psyche, studying counseling psychology can also be of interest to you.

If you exhibit the qualities listed below, becoming a counseling psychologist may be your calling:

  • You don’t avoid difficult subjects.
  • You can speak for your clients objectively.
  • You can thoroughly understand your clients’ problems and map the connection between cause, effect, and solution thanks to your critical thinking and attentive listening abilities.
  • With your clients, you may create and uphold healthy boundaries.
  • You appreciate doing research and learning new things.
What Does a Counseling Psychologist Do?

Counseling psychologists frequently offer psychotherapy services to help people overcome challenges in their daily lives. This is done to help clients develop their current abilities and qualities to achieve a more optimal state of wellness. Counseling psychologists may assist clients in the following ways rather than treating patients who have serious mental impairments:

  • Decide on a career.
  • Adapt to losing a loved one
  • overcoming a learning obstacle
  • Work through any family or marital issues
  • Deal with stressful situations and pick up management skills
  • Work through the psychological impacts of physical or emotional limitations.

In general, your duties as a counseling psychologist will include determining your patients’ problems, developing a treatment plan, educating them about the many approaches and frameworks you can use, and, if needed, coordinating with other mental health specialists.

Another crucial thing to comprehend is how counseling psychologist works and the methods they use in their counseling profession. Are counseling psychologists considered therapists? In a nutshell, the answer is that these professionals are therapists since they hold a license to perform psychotherapy. Depending on the client’s needs and the counselor’s area of expertise, a counselor may conduct individual or group therapy sessions. In these sessions, they will work with people of all ages, including kids, teens, couples, families, and adults, using therapeutic strategies. Several instances include:

Reflections: This entails reiterating the client’s sentiments and statements to them so they can hear and react to what has been said. A counselor could reframe these reflections to present an alternative viewpoint.

Play or art therapy: Instead of using open-ended “yes” or “no” inquiries, the counselor will offer questions that urge the client to provide more specific information.

Required Education and Training

What first does a counseling psychologist undertake to begin their future career? The most typical first step for those who are motivated to become counseling psychologists is to earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology before enrolling in a master’s program and subsequently a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program.

Before pursuing their Ph.D. or Psy.D., some students will first complete a bachelor’s degree in social work before switching to a master’s degree in counseling or psychology. Others may be qualified to enter their Ph.D. program without ever earning a master’s degree. Every state has different standards for a license, and some only accept master’s degrees for limited licensure while others demand a full doctoral degree before you can start practicing. Make sure to look at nearby programs to learn about their prerequisites.

Selecting a program that has received full accreditation from the American Psychological Association can help to ensure the highest academic standards (APA). Once you earn a degree in counseling psychology, you will be qualified to work as a licensed counseling psychologist in private practices, businesses, government agencies, hospitals, mental health clinics, drug addiction treatment centers, research companies, colleges, and schools.

What Can a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology Get You?

What does a counseling psychologist do with just a master’s degree because many states want a Ph.D. or Psy.D. for complete licensure? After finishing an initial graduate degree program, you can enter a variety of various disciplines and practices. Before obtaining a Ph.D. and becoming a state-licensed psychologist, some states allow individuals with limited licensure to work as mental health counselors and get experience in the field.

With a master’s in counseling psychology, you could become a:

  • Counselors at the school help kids with curriculum planning and management as well as stress management for adolescents and academics.
  • Grief counselors provide emotional assistance to people who have lost a loved one or been through a painful experience.
  • Counselors for addiction assist clients in overcoming and recovering from substance misuse.
  • A career counselor who assists professionals with career transitions and the emotional strains that come along with significant financial changes.
  • Counselors for domestic violence help victims of physical abuse emotionally and practically, maybe helping them find legal or medical help.
  • Counselor for conflict resolution and mediator who assists families with intervention or couples going through a divorce.


An art therapist who uses creativity and the visual arts to assist patients to deal with trauma, grief, and emotional pressures.

How much time does it take to get a counseling psychology Ph.D.?

The length of time it may take to complete a counseling psychology Ph.D. depends on a variety of factors. These consist of:

  • How many credit hours are needed for your program?
  • No matter if you’re a full- or part-time student
  • length of your dissertation
  • How to determine if you qualify for an accelerated program

Your counseling psychology Ph.D. should generally take between 4 and 8 years to finish, with the typical doctoral program taking 5 to 6 years.


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