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March 7, 2023

Theft can become addiction and can be due to poor control of the motivation that leads to compulsive addiction disorders.
It may be the cause of jealousy, and low self -esteem. People may steal to prove their independence, act against family or friends, or because they do not respect others or themselves.
Some people steal as a way to survive because of economic hardship.
The Kleptomania is a mental health disorder, and they may steal things that have no benefit, and they do not need.
Doctors do not know the specified cause of Calvistan, but they believe that it is linked to biochemical and nervous deformities in the brain. A person with blame may have a malfunction in the serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters.
There are no specific treatments for Kleptomania, there is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is a type of psychotherapy that is useful for the treatment of Calvia and helps people understand and change their ideas and behaviors.
It may include CBT:
Determine and avoid the operators.
Learn how to control the induction.
Treat any basic psychological problems.
Symptoms of addiction to theft:-
Feelings of pleasure during theft
Feelings of increased stress or anxiety, which leads to theft
Feelings of guilt or shame after theft
Children of all ages – from pre -school to teenagers – can be lured for various reasons:
Sometimes young children take the things they want without understanding that things cost money and that it is wrong to take something without paying their price or because their friends do that.
Other complex reasons, children may be angry or want to take care, and some may steal due to the emotional or physical abuse they bear.
Whatever the cause of the theft, parents must address the problems that cause these symptoms in their children.

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